Friday, July 2, 2010

MRI Update

An MRI was taken of my brain last night.

Result: 100% clear


With this great news we can concentrate on fighting the cancer that's in my torso and giving that our full attention.

Thank you again to everyone that has extended prayers and good wishes to me, to those of you that have sent cards or balloons, to those of you who have visited and continue to visit, and to anyone that has said a single prayer for me. If it weren't for all of you I wouldn't have nearly the courage that I do. Thank You!!!


  1. Hey Chris -
    I want you to know that our family, and our church family is praying for you. We will continue to recruit. We love you and we know YOU have the strength and the faith to beat this. Keep believing Chris! I want you to know that thru our journey with PFS-you are one of my favorites! The determination and focus that you displayed when we first met you is still there. You are an amazing person Chris-keep digging down deep into the strength of your soul. With God beside you-you can beat this. We love you Chris Roberts!
    Jeane Rabune, (Ron,Alexa,Aliya&Ryan)

  2. Chris,
    We are so sorry to hear about all the new cancer spots in your body but are grateful that it has not affected your organs or brain. That is a big plus. You have been on our church prayer list since this all started and we will continue to keep praying for you each and every day. We pray that you have faith in God to accept the challenge that you are facing. You have proven to everyone how strong you can be, so don't give up hope. Our Gracious Lord will provide for you. You have to know how loved you are to have your father and sister with you daily. We love you and will be there for you in anyway you need. Love, JoAnn & Craig

  3. Chris...GREAT news about the MRI. I will continue to pray and to ask our Lord to heal you. Faith - Hope - Love. You demonstrate all three with such grace and strength. dj
