Friday, July 9, 2010


So, basically I've been back in my regular oncology room for a week now. I've been taking the Ketamine and we've been slowly increasing the dosage until we're satisfied with the pain relief. Right now, I get 100mg 3 times a day. This hasn't caused any crazy side effects which is great!

On Wednesday night we had a minor set back. The muscles in my lower back went into a spasm and wouldn't relax. Some muscle relaxers were prescribed along with additional pain medication for muscle pain. For whatever reason, those darn muscles just didn't seem to want to relax. Any wrong movement and the muscles would spasm again and I would have to immediately lay flat on my back. Since then we've managed to stop the spasms but doing some stretching exercises and using this little electronic gizmo that sends electronic impulses through those muscles. We will continue this tomorrow and hopefully get the back... back to normal.

On another positive note, I've regained some slight use of my right arm compared to the last 33-4 days so this could be a sign that the Sutent is working. That's definitely how I'm going to look at it! Dr. Milhem was just in the room and I told him that we're going to watch this cancer disappear on my scans so I hope he's ready.

Honestly everyone, it's the medicine and the prayers and support from all of you that make this possible. Never forget that or underestimate the power of each and every one of your prayers, they're changing things!! THANK YOU!


  1. Thanks for keeping us all updated Chris. I know it isn't easy for you to do when your in pain. We are so glad to hear that the medicine and prayers are working. You just continue to hold that positive attitude and things just have to turn around. Love and prayers....JoAnn & Craig

  2. Hi Chris!

    I've been reading your blog since my husband was diagnosed with clear cell sarcoma 3 weeks ago. I appreciate the info you've provided as we search for treatments. He just had surgery to remove a mass on his ankle and 3 lymph nodes in his groin area, and will start target radiation treatment in a few weeks. I'm interested in the research you've done and your experience at Dana Farber. Wishing you and yours all the best!!!!


  3. Hi Chris,

    We are definitely still thinking and praying for you! We get lots of updates from Aaron and Erin. So glad to hear the medicines are making a difference. Please be sure to let us know if you need anything!! Take care! :)

    Shane & Jackee
